Se trata de un sitio web personal y no comercial. Su propĆ³sito es contar la historia de la familia Balbi de Génova, proporcionar una ubicación central donde Balbis de hoy pueden enumerar su ascendencia y espero conectar con otras ramas de su familia, ya través de un proyecto de ADN recién iniciado, determinar la relación genética. Este sitio web ha recibido los siguientes premios:
"Majestic site with superior design and layout. This site is one of the fortunate ones to hit a famous/wealthy vein in the past. The result is a tremendous amount of information about the Balbi Surname presented in a tasteful and flowing format. A joy to visit."
"We applaud your site's ease of navigation, obvious hard work, and invaluable content. It is with great pleasure that we give you the Genealogy Award." Canadian Award
"I really like the way you present your family's history. The pictures and stories greatly enhance the history of your ancestors."
"Please accept this award in appreciation for a job well done."
"In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web."
"To honor and acknowledge the learning process, long hours, and sacrifices experienced in reaching the plateau of successfully establishing an Internet site."